Sunday, August 24, 2008

Burnin' up

My boyfriend and I decided to leave for a walk at about 11am this morning, figuring that it will be good exercise and a good way to complete some errands at the drug store. It started out pretty pleasant. I had my hat on and confortable shoes. I kinda worried that I hadn't put on any sunblock, though. It's super sunny,practically cloudless, and 100 degrees. At about 2 miles, we got distracted at this 99 cent bargain store. Hiding on a bottom shelf were Tide sticks for 99 cent each! What a deal! We grabbed every single one that they had. Could not pass that one up.

Next, we finally hit the drugstore - prescription was not ready yet. What?! I called over 1.5 hours ago and you said it would be done in an hour! I've worked retail before - just don't be promising people stuff like that if you can't keep your end of it, okay? So, we leave and decide to have lunch across the parking lot at Panera bread - Italian Combo on Ciabatta - our favorite. About 30 minutes or so later, we go back to the drugstore - another problem. That took an additional 20 minutes for them to fix. Geez. I know, I think I'm losing patience.

Finally we start walking home and stop by the local market to pick up some sale items we saw in a flyer earlier in week: a pint of blueberries for $2, 2 grapefruits for $1, green beans and broccoli crowns - all for $5 and some change. What a deal. Of course, my boyfriend was my superman who carried all this stuff home. I got to hold our soda cup from Panera bread - the soda was getting warmer and warmer.

Our trek home felt like crossing the Sahara. Whatever that feels like. I mean, it felt hot to me. I have pretty low tolerance for heat and it was getting worn out pretty quickly. My stomach felt full from soda and I was getting a cramp in the middle of my chest. The kind you get after running. It's probably hotter in Vegas though - maybe worse in Arizona. I'm just a pansy.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I waited too long to eat dinner today. My head felt horrible. I was irritable. Voices seemed magnified and I just wanted quiet time. I finally ate my fish taco, curled up on the couch, and watched the Olympics. Blah.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Hello, my name is J Dogg and I'm a lip balm addict (step 1). I've been an addict since high school. If I'm ever unequipped with a stick of the stuff for a full day, my lips get dry, painful, and start to slightly peel at the edges. It's disgusting! However, I have discovered for myself the ONLY (I'm serious when I write ONLY) lip balm I will ever need for those times my lips get to the point as described above. I put it on and within hours, my lips feel smooth and the peeling is hardly noticeable. By the next day, my lips are practically back to normal. This product is called Lypsyl and seriously the best thing that came out of Sweden (next to Ikea). Find it at your local drugstore today and try it for your lips' sake.

P.S. The picture shown is the exact product I'm writing about. Don't buy the other kind they make that's a thinner tube. You want that big wide tube in the picture. Got it? Good.
One thing I take for granted now that I live in southern California are clouds. We rarely have those pretty big puffy clouds (the cumulonimbus kind) but instead the thin high cirrus clouds. I would think that's because where I live, it's essentially a desert; we simply don't get rain for most of the year. So, when the sky happens to have those heavenly looking ones, my boyfriend (who also lives close to me) will call me just to ask, "hey did you see the big poofy clouds? they're beautiful!". It's rather cute really, how he gets all excited. He's from Chicago, if that explains anything. We both came from areas with four seasons.
Oh my goodness, we went to see Matchbox Twenty last week and can I just tell you how amazing Rob Thomas' voice is? He is so passionate while he's singing. His natural stage presence and voice will hypnotize you; occasionally his eyes will even bug out while playing the piano. The songs sound just like the CD if not better. I was also impressed that after a few opening songs, he stopped to show sincere appreciation for their fans. I really like Matchbox Twenty and Rob Thomas. He seems like a good guy.